Nestopia is a simple, lightweight yet powerful free NES Emulator for Mac OS X. But no such problem exists with Nestopia.
Nestopia NES Emulator for Mac OS X Though OpenEmu is excellent, it sometimes takes time to load and needs to be clicked on “Reopen” to launch it.
Additional workstations can be added and will not affect the software cost. Helios 12 removes these barriers with an easy to use, affordable software solution. Helios maintains regular maintenance routines including application updates and data backups. The application that is installed locally uses an internet connection to access the Helios Enterprise Network where the primary application and your business’ data is hosted. Some Salient Features of OpenEmu can be classified as – It comes bundled in with not only Classic NES Emulation libraries such as FCEUX & Nestopia, but it can also emulate NES, GBA, Sega and lot of old gaming consoles. OpenEmu has the ability to emulate NES as well as more OpenEmu is one emulator which will solve all your emulation worries on your Mac OS X.

Top 3 Best NES Emulators for Mac OS X to Play NES Games – NES Emulator # 1 – OpenEmu. Here are the top 3 Best NES emulators for Mac OS X which will let you enjoy your favorite NES games on your Mac – Note- We only provide links to legal emulators you need to own ROMs of Games (.NES game roms) inorder to play games, a simple google search with the game name and NES will render you the game roms to be used inside the emulators. Considering Nintendo’s supply issues not all of you may get a hand on the Nintendo Classic, but yes, you can still enjoy all the features of a Nintendo Classic system by emulating the NES Games on your Mac OS X (MacBook Air, Pro, iMac, etc.mBs). With the launch of Nintendo classic, the retro games of 90s ala Super Mario Bro’s, Konami Contra, and Track & Field are back into fashion. OpenEmulator It currently supports only the Apple I computer and its peripherals, although Apple II emulation is also planned. A commercial Sinclair QL emulator for Intel Macs running OS X 10.5 or later.